Wednesday, July 21, 2010

theme : morning coffee

morning coffee

(view large)


  1. I have diptych envy!! They are fun, fun, fun.

  2. Aleathia! I'd love to do some with you, send over a few theme ideas & we can work on them! :)

  3. i have *cough* diptych envy too *cough cough* but really, me too!

  4. bahaha @ jess!

    we should think of a way that any one who wants to work on them can... hrmmmm. jenn & i made a list of themes we are using. i sent a list of 5 themes over to alea today thru email.

    how could we do this so it works?

    we could just email each other a theme at a time? like jess, if you wanted you could email me a theme to start?

    throw your ideas out! xoxo

  5. amanda...i didn't get said themes in the email. boo. i would love to do some. it might even be cool if we could figure out how to do it with four photos!! then we could have the same theme and four views. ponder and discuss.

  6. alea, i resent the 5 themes, lemme know if you get it!

    hmmmm, i wouldn't necessarily want to go to a four block because the photo would be too busy, i think.

    maybe if we each sent 5 themes to one another, to make 10 between 2 people --- we could work on them at our own pace, even if it takes us months & months. whenever one of us takes a photo from our respective lists we can mail that person saying hey, i took this photo (it's better for the other person not to see it, so it doesn't influence their photo.) when each of you have a theme taken, send them on over & i will put them in the nifty diptyphy frame! the dimensions are 500 x 335.


  7. Yes, maybe it would be too busy with four...I have busy brain lately so imagining it must have fit right in without a problem. Themes received and some photos taken. :)
