Thursday, August 26, 2010

theme : closed


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artwork in aleathia's photo by david lineberger


  1. Closed (keep/out)

    Through the blinds
    she watches and waits,
    waits some more
    as the vines creep
    across the cellar door.

    Keep out
    Keep out
    Keep out

    and she has no problem
    with that, she never leaves,
    is always in
    inside her mind
    inside the window
    behind the blinds

    She touches the drawings
    by the sill, ink raised
    on paper, his fervor evident
    in haphazard strokes—
    perfect in their genius.

    Someday the door
    will be covered, she will
    have missed her chance
    to find a way out.

    Aleathia Drehmer 2010

  2. the last two stanzas - yes - wow!


    lovin' this.
